digital garden
digital garden is an animation that invites to wait and contemplate, to activate a reflection on the immediacy that is demanded in todays contemporary world, especially when it comes to digital elements. in this project, a loading gif is used as a digital flower which experiences the organic process of growing and shaping a garden. the animation consists of three times: waiting, (re) construction and destruction
2019 +d 2d @
- digital animation. 4 to 5 min
- high resolution screen
gif me more
the history of humanity is full of gaps and inaccuracies. as humans, we have the need to univocally define reality, so we look for explanations to impose truths on what escapes us, unaware that it is in the mysterious and unfathomable where the magic of existence resides. this artwork uses micronarratives in loop to invite us to contemplate and rethink multiple versions of what is still incomplete in our history and to free it from its rigidity through repetition
2019 autónomo @
- 5-channel video, 15:00 minutes
- tablets and custom-made enclosure